Touch For Health® Level 2

Course: Touch For Health® Level 2
Dates: Please Contact Us for more Details
Facilitator: To be determined
Prerequisite: TFH Level 1
Course Outline
Touch for Health I focused on identifying weak muscles and under energy meridians, Touch for Health II will teach you techniques to measure over energy and thus balance the overall system more effectively.

You will learn two new balances which identify a key muscle/meridian, which when switched on will balance the whole system.

In Balancing According to the Wheel, you will determine the muscle which balances the superficial flow of the meridian energy, while in Balancing According to the Five Elements, you will learn how energy flows in the Creation and Control cycles in order to balance the deeper flow.

Touch for Health II provides a good review of the muscles, meridians and corrections from Touch for Health I and provides additional techniques to build your understanding and experience of health.

  • Learn the location of the alarm points to measure over energy
  • Review 14 basic muscles and learn an additional 14+.
  • Learn to Balance According to the Wheel.
  • Learn to Balance According to the Five Elements.
  • Learn additional techniques for switching on muscles.
  • Learn Time of Day Balancing.
  • Advanced Emotional Stress Release
  • Expand your understanding of Pain Control Techniques
Format: Weekdays or Weekends – 8:45am to 5:30pm
Location: Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada (specific directions provided upon registration)
Duration: 2 days
Tuition Notes: Non-refundable deposit: $50.00
For further information on courses and workshops please contact